Friday, February 28, 2014

new input...

...sambil menaip dengar lagu "Lukisan Alam" by Hijjaz...

jadilah rumput yang lemah lembut, tak luruh dipukul ribut,
bagai karam di dasar lautan, tak terusik dilanda badai~

recently went to the school with quite a bunch of activities in hand. well, i love the way my life gets busy and my body gets going... i feel the joy of life and at the same time, longs for the moment of relaxation and peace. waceyhh!

now only i know that the school is actually a school trained under government, not district punya lagi dah, untuk sukan terutamanya golf. and know what, i'm elected as one of the guru pembimbing untuk kelab golf! padahal haram tahu main golf, kayu golf even bola golf pun tak pernah pegang....cis~

just two weeks before, the two of us went to lots of places, (padahal 2 je) untuk mengiringi murid bersukan, wah! haha.. these people... (read: my students) went to the handball competition and won the first place. thanks to the teachers who came to support them and the coach who just came to coach them for the game in just two three days,,,  but still, victory is ours!

teacher die nila, yang paling supportive, bagi sokongan tak kuar suara pun dah menang, belum kuar suara lagi, haha...

and this one won no place at all. but i gained the knowledge of how to play ping pong...

kalah menang adat permainan... T_T

and now,kitorang ada kerja untuk buat sepanduk nama sekolah, akan disiapkan dalam masa terdekat coz this sunday we are going to have to go for olahraga... but we two sure aren't going... minggu depan rasanya mcm observation week jer... we hope nnti lawa la sepanduk tuh.. and cerita sepanduk tuh, memang nostalgia lah satu hari nanti..

kesimpulannya, otak kita ni, mcm cerita The Matrix, tunggu file download je, nnti boleh guna terus...nak download, hardware mesti kene tough...! chiayook!

p/s: my school's student is nearly kidnapped at the school. pliss pray that the culprit won't target any of us anymore... 

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