Wednesday, February 27, 2013

rama2 si ulat bulu...

my new day, a green day today..

well, it started so well, but i guess kusangkakan panas sampai ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengah hari...
memang hujan pun sekerat hari, sejuk menggigit-gigit sekuat hati..

caterpillars and butterflies,,
i love to see them both..
but one thing that bothers my mind, after a short discovery not to long ago when my fren came up with an idea that all ulat bulu will be the kupu2 and all the ulat beluncas will be the rama2...
i was kind of startled when i heard her generalization, well, i am not in the know of something like, i texted all my science-to-be-teachers friends that i could reach asking for a clearer explanation...

and they said the ulat beluncas and the ulat bulu weren't the same creatures afterall..
i was happy because their explanation suits my little shallow knowledge resulting in a simple betting  that my friend and i had for this issue because we share not the same cup of tea...

so, we discussed not a single matter of this idea after that day and i decided to read something about this issue... i found something even more complicated! i gave up reading and ponders quite a long time that i had misunderstood this issue in a way that i did think i know where's the knot in the rope..

and the issue was brought again in the class during the microteaching when she, as a student asked me as the teacher "teacher, is ulat bulu going to change into rama2??" i mouthed no words...

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