Tuesday, February 19, 2013

growing old...

for a moment or two, i was very old,,, old enough that i'm scared of myself...
well, thanks to Mardhiyah, our makeup artist, that had 'coloured' my face in a way,, they say it 'NICE'!

well, talk about being scared of the 'old face' i had on previously, i feel scared though, one is because i'm scared of the hand that touches my face here and there, and also, i'm scared of the time i will, maybe... or maybe not... grow old like that, plus,, i don't even recognize myself with such look....

menjadi tua di wajah itu, satu pilihan, mungkin, tapi, menjadi tua pada usia itu, satu kemestian...
dengan adanya produk2 yang menghalau garisan penuaan dan memudakan sel2 yang sepatutnya dh tua, menjadi tua di wajah itu, da jadi satu pilihan kan?

well, i hope, somehow, i don't grow very old, i don't want to be soo old that i need someone to hold me up, clean me like i always and the list goes on...

makin lama hidup, makin banyak dosa kita kan?

i once read among all posts on fb, a short post by my friend, written there...
'will you grow old with me?'

and i see it as a way of proposing, instead of saying 'will you marry me?" which is soo very normal...

p/s: i don't understand the function of the frog in the picture... and being a Parkinson old woman sure is going to make my cells damage...

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